On 2019-09-01 20:43:42 PurpleCabbageMon said:
In another post I lightly referred to this, but now it grabbed my attention.
Would it be possible to make an appointment, but we meet at the local Mall to go watch a movie together? Get popcorn, sit down, maybe close to each other, maybe holding hands (something I really, really miss since my wife passed away), then afterwards say goodbye and that is it.
While it might not sounds like something the majority of punters here would be into, I know I would be interested in something like this.
Also, it seems lot of ladies do not really travel, or if they do it is with some effort. I suppose it is also too close to a proper date, maybe that will also be a problem.
And yes, how sad to ask here for something like that, so no need to dwell on that, thank you.
So I am asking it here in the forums first to see if it is a viable option, before starting to phone all the ladies in the area.
On 2019-09-01 21:05:14 Veronica Franco said:
I offer this, have no problem with travelling and meeting up. I have many friends I met in the industry who I often see for dinner or a few drinks. It falls within the 'escorting' part of what we do and a breath of fresh air compared to the norm of what's usually expected of us!
On 2019-09-01 21:59:19 PurpleCabbageMon said:
There used to be a statement that these services are for companionship only, anything else is between consenting adults, something like that.
Seems very few people are interested in the companion part, but I bet I am not the only one who's looking for that. It also seems very few ladies are open to such a thing, maybe because it is unusual. I once phoned someone and asked if she would be willing to spent the day with me at an airshow, the reply was short of rude. Perhaps she doesn't like aircraft. After that I was scared to ask something unusual again.
On 2019-09-01 22:15:42 Panty_Dropper said:
If you're looking for a girl to spend time with without financial compensation then buddy you're definitely looking on the wrong site....