On 2015-10-17 01:59:48 Valentina Dibella said:
The new management do not agree that I conduct any private business from here as this goes against their internal rules and business act no- 71 of 1991.
They have asked me for the premises to be vacate no later than the 18th of October, in two days time from when the letter was received.
Valentina, I am so sorry to hear of this terrible news that your building management has opted to act in such a manner.
I would ask 2 things...
1. Do you have a contract (verbal or otherwise) with the previous management that gives you your premises as a rental, therefore making you a Tenant.
2. Are you aware of the Rental Housing Act.
Basically, the rules are that if a property is sold and there is a tenant in place, then that previous tenants agreement must still be honored by the new owners. Therefore they are required to give you proper and full notice if they wish you to vacate prior to the end of your agreement, and if you refuse then they must go to court at their cost and then get a judgement against you to force you to move.
So far under our legal system this is has never been enforced as the previous agreement is still valid and there is no legal reason as the corporate bodies rules and bylaws cannot, and never will, supersede National Legal Statutes.
Either way, I hope you find a solution that will work for you and allow you to find your way forward.