Posted: 2015-05-13 20:47:09
Well Ladies and Gents,
In my opinion, thank goodness for married men /not married /about to be married /divorced men /single......thank the good Lord for men, or our services would not be required, and we would not be entertained and spoiled!!!
I'v heard many stories about married men, woman love to complain! Some relevant but most irrelevant reasons/excuses.
Its not only the man to blame its also the woman.
However, from what I have seen, South African woman become too complacent and comfortable once they are married, also they tend to "loose themselves".
They no longer wear sexy lingerie, the weight starts pounding on, the family life becomes the center of attention and therefore the attraction goes out the window.
Men will always be the hunters, that is how they are "built", that is how they function!
Thank you Gents for always supporting us, clearly if you are married and you are visiting, you have your reasons and your needs and that is why we are here for ALL of you, and we should be grateful!!
Have a wonderful evening further.