On 2017-10-25 07:56:04 JohnNative said:
Is there a certain pose that a SP does that will have you immdeiately dialing her number ? Can a pose be also a turn of ? Also who are the most creative WG's in terms of how to take a picture or is it up to the photographer ? Cause if we are being honest the is only so many poses the human body can do.
On 2017-10-25 14:21:46 Pierrewiet said:
# What is in a pose?
Me thinks a spelling error.....lol
On 2017-10-25 14:21:46 Pierrewiet said:
# What is in a pose?
Me thinks a spelling error.....lol
On 2017-10-25 18:04:49 Pierrewiet said:
@ Lewa:
It was a joke, clearly not perceived as a good one...
Tell u what: let's get together, u improve my Zulu and I work on ur Afrikaans (wink, wink)