Posted: 2017-10-25 10:47:44
Porn, in my humble opinion gives a totally unrealistic impression of what sex should be like. It is a fantasy world or incredible stamina, mutual chemistry and gymnastic suppleness.
It's great for developing one's own fantasies and is a great source of "oooh I'd really like to try that!" But if you believe that your session with a WG, or any lady for that matter, will be anything approaching the three hours that you just spent on Pornhub, you will, in all likelihood, be sadly disappointed.
Now there are of course exceptions to the rule and if you find one then go for it but it should not ever be expected.
One exception is where you have some specific requirements that need to be met. Then it is best to check in advance that the lady in question is ready accepting and able to satisfy your desire to be butt plugged, hung upside down and tickled with a feather duster by a midget nun. You just can't expect that every lady will do that for you.