On 2017-07-13 08:53:46 Orpheus said:
*Alzheimer's test to be taken regularly by all above 40*
*If you are over 40 years, you SHOULD take this Alzheimer's Test*
*How fast can you guess these words correctly and fill-in the blanks ??*
*1. _ _NDOM*
*2. F_ _K*
*3. P_N_S*
*4. PU_S_*
*5. S_X*
*6. BOO_S*
*Answers :*
*2. FORK*
*3. PANTS*
*4. PULSE*
*5. SIX*
*6. BOOKS*
*You got all 6 wrong...didn't you ??*
*You do NOT have Alzheimer's*
*You are still naughty like you were at twenty...!!*
*Keep Well & Keep Smiling*
On 2017-07-13 09:43:51 Sibyl said:
Lol very good one!
On a more serious note, I eat a few fresh Gotu Kula leaves each week and I highly recommend that people grow and eat this plant.
Gotu Kula is used in Ayurvedic medicine. It has a myriad of health benefits, including regeneration of the brain and therefore beneficial in the possible prevention and/or treatment of Alzheimer's. It is known as the longevity herb :
EDIT: Sorry if the above is seen as highjacking your thread. Just wanted to share the benefits of this wonderful plant with the community.
On 2017-07-13 12:56:13 Orpheus said:
Thanks Sibyl that was good information I will certainly investigate. HOW does one acquire the seeds to grow the plant?
Equally serious note! Indians in India have been known to have the least amount of altzheimers disease in the world.. Reason being that all Indians cook with a spice call turmeric. Aka Haldi. It has been known to be an antioxidant and helps cure AD. Altzheimers.