Posted: 2017-06-14 18:01:00
Here's what I don't get about the article author's reaction, as well as some of the reaction above. It is *YOUR* data. Your bank stores your balance on its servers. Your insurance company stores the details of every asset you insure. But at the end of the day it is still *YOUR* data and there are significant (more so in some countries than others) laws to protect that data.
The data is stored in such a way as to help you, not to invade your privacy. Think about it this way. You know in your head (mostly) everywhere you've been. If the law wanted that information they can compel you to provide it under penalty of perjury. Likewise it takes a court order of some significance to compel Google, or Apple, or Microsoft (they ALL do the same thing, don't be fooled into thinking otherwise) to provide any incriminating evidence. And Google, at the very least, has a long track record of fighting such court orders, whether you ask them to or not.
No, the only thing you really have to worry about is your spouse getting hold of the data, and that problem is very easily solved by using a punting phone and turning location services off on your main phone when you are punting.
In my (fairly educated - I did work for Google after all and know the back story about how they use data) opinion, this is much ado about nothing.