On 2017-06-06 12:55:07 Saffer said:
Take examples that you observe on these forums.
One chap remarked how a SP showed remarkable restraint, upon seeing his member, when massaging him. Apparently, according to him, women can't resist it, even if it's just a massage.
Then there's those that will tell you they went 3 rounds in one hour. They're so virile and hard.
Then there's the usual big cock references.
You also get the more sophisticated "I know how to treat a lady" self-aggrandizing bullshit, who will reference arriving with wine, perfume or chocolates.
There's the porno poes who will tell you how awesome he is because he made the SP orgasm repeatedly.
You also get the pseudo-intellectual prick that hangs out on the forums (Me? OralJim?)
What observations have I missed?
On 2017-06-06 13:40:11 Se_kaas said:
- The pretend "I am a gentleman" guys
- Jammergat Jannies with their tales of woe
- Serious Jammergat Jannies looking for love with a WG
- Mr obsessive Psycho
- Mr Saviour of all WGs
On 2017-06-06 14:38:40 Saffer said:
Too funny :)
Ja, a fantasy is one thing, but the display of "peacockery" is public and is aimed at other men. Most don't even realise they're doing it.... its prehistoric tendencies.