Posted: 2017-06-07 09:47:21
Woke up this morn to two new sets of pics. And when I say I woke up, I WOKE up Excalibur from his slumber.
First up Saffron. Back again after leaving us in the lurch. So popular that you hardly get a chance to visit. Truly one of the beauts on this site. And with the new twins just super enhancing her already delectable figure those chances of an encounter of the personal kind is just getting more remote. Let me take a number and go and stand in the row.
Then Brooke. Words fail me. Perfection in every curve. Lips that was only made for kissing. Perfectly proportioned. Auburn hair cascading down and framing a beautiful face. If I had a left ball left I would gladly donate that for some time spent.
So ladies, I am happy to be alive this morning and thank you for waking up Excalibur. Sinful thoughts pushing all work related issues out of the way. Going to start that long long process of trying to become presentable.