On 2017-06-05 12:30:36 Veronica Franco said:
After being insulted about my age on a previous thread, it got me thinking about ladies in this industry and what could be so bad about age.
It takes some getting used to I admit, coming out of a mindset that age does not affect everyone, but I have realised that youth is wasted on the young!
I wouldn't trade the knowledge I've acquired for anything, including a young body! My body might not be as flawless as it was at 21, but I have learnt to love my body and feel comfortable in my own skin, which at 21 I did not appreciate at all, believing every insult bestowed on me that I was fat and ugly. Looking back, I feel sorry for the stupid little girl I was and how I judged myself so harshly based on what others thought of me. That mindset came only with age and the experience and lessons age rewards you with. Nothing else could have changed how I felt then because I never knew better.
Age has given me confidence, strength, inner beauty, knowledge, grace and the capacity to see and understand so much around me and within me. A few laugh lines and beautiful flaws are a small price to pay for what I've gained within.
Then there are the role models I have encountered, who put younger girls to shame! Joy, Arizona, Sibyl, Sage, Cheryl, Sylvia, Belle TouJour and so many more....all ladies that I have great admiration for, that have stood the test of time in this industry and continue to set standards and teach us all about the power of age, wisdom and all the benefits and amazing gifts that come with it! I learn from these women and they continue to amaze and inspire me every day! If the youth had any sense, they would look to these ladies for inspiration, not look down on them for something as trivial as age!
Age is not a curse if you look to what is gained.....I would not go back to 21 and being the insecure, stupid little girl I was, even if that means physical youth that I did not appreciate! I look forward to every year, growing older, better, wiser knowing that my beauty is not something I'll be taking with me in certainty, but looking at all the mature ladies I aspire to be like....it only gets better.
There are only 2 certainties in life and that is age and death! Embrace age with grace, humility and integrity and beauty will never leave you! It just transforms into something better!
Just my humble opinion!
On 2017-06-05 12:39:11 Tanya said:
I love, love, love your post miss V!!! Though I wouldnt mind to be 21 again, but with all the wisdom I have today ;-) But I just love my age... ek kan spyker soos n 21 jarige met die kennis van n "in haar dertigs" vrou... ;-))