On 2017-03-14 00:17:58 Minime007 said:
Although I'm not a lady....I do considder myself sexy and dynamic. Never been to Linksfield...but Steve (my GPS voice) apparently knows the way. May I apply?......Please?
(Do not massage gentlemen)
On 2017-03-14 00:49:28 Kimmylee said:
Can Kimmylee a.k.a Windika Fairy also come to be pampered for fun hosted by one of these sexy ladies of my choice? I wouldn't mind really, a different experience is just what I need. No worries I'll pay for the massage services no need for me to visit fancy massage palours, this venue is exquisite!
Well done Massage Inc.
Please let me know.
On 2017-03-14 10:18:45 GreyKnight said:
On 2017-03-14
Can I come and watch? Promise I will sit veeeeerry quiet in the corner...
On 2017-03-14 10:07:43 Minime007 said:
(Stormpie...sover ek weet is ek en jy die heeeeeel ordentlikste mense wie ek persoonlik ontmoet het al...Ons gedra ons byvoorbeeld altyd mos. What can go wrong? Hehehehe).
On 2017-03-14 11:38:39 GreyKnight said:
A Knight's word is his honour my lady Kimmylee ;-)
(Unless he has his fingers crossed behind his back when promising...)