Posted: 2016-04-15 01:02:50
So I'm a good WASP boy (much to my detriment no doubt).
I was brought up on the bible and the missionary position and the huge amount of guilt associated with masturbation - oh my word, the devil himself will come for you if you touch yourself!!!!!!!
Thank God (well, whatever if there if any being that could give a flying fnck about us mere mortals and our chronically boring daily lives), most of that social conditioning has passed away over the years and my views are now more liberated.
But, I have yet to experience the way of the Greeks, perhaps our greatest early civilisation, and the forefathers of real democracy.
As much as I love the Greek philosophers and their views on our role in this world, I remain perplexed about the Grecian fixation with anal sex.
Can anyone help me understand why this is something I need to incorporate into my sexual repertoire and give me some hints as to what it entails?
What is this all about?
Why would a sensible woman (or even an undensialble woman) be interested?
How do I convince a partner that it can add value to their exercise routine?