Posted: 2015-12-15 16:27:26
Edited: 2015-12-15 16:34:39
Are there any stories from punters of being caught out punting?
I wasn't caught out, but I was surfing ESA on my personal phone some years ago and forgot to close it on my browser. My then girlfriend was checking something on my phone and opened the browser and saw ESA. All hell broke loose. The one thing I remember her shouting at me was "those women have diseases!" Lol. Anyway I successfully convinced her that I'm not seeing prostitutes, but basically clicked on the site out of curiosity. She believed me, and I've been a lot more careful since then.
Have any guys been caught out, maybe messages between yourself and a wg, or even caught in the act? I remember a post a while back about a guy who's wife caught him with a few Thai girls at their house, think she came back early from a trip. He apparently paid dearly for it in the divorce.
So what stories or close calls have you guys had?
Ladies, do you have any stories of partners rocking up at your venue?