[deleted] - Why do we do it?
Why do we do it?
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:07

Hi guys (and gals). I'm busy writing an article that will hopefully become a whole lot more. What I'd like to know is more about guys and their experiences with the sort of ladies who advertise on this site. Finding the ladies to chat to is not that difficult (although somtimes costly - hint hint), but finding their customers is a lot tougher. Anyone who's willing to chat, please drop me an email, everything you tell me will be in absolute confidence and I will only use pseudonyms where it's necessary to mention names. I'm looking for motivations why us guys visit such ladies, why pay for something that can often easily be had for free (well, sometimes), what these ladies offer that we can't find elsewhere... Is it dirty sex, rough sex, fantasies, that our wives/girlfriends aren't especially interested in sex or perhaps not even about sex at all. Do we seek variety, or do lots of guys visit the same lady over and over again. Do we develop emotions if this is the case, fall in love, become jealous of other customers? If you can answer any of these questions or more, please please please drop me an email ([email protected]).

From my point of view I've paid for physical intimacy twice in my life, and am not sure whether or not I'll ever do it again. I'm still not quite sure about my own motivations either (ladies for example have always found me attractive, and have often started talking to me when I was too shy to make a move). I was, however, not very outgoing at the time and had just broken up with my first girlfriend at the time. And I was craving sexual intimacy as well as just closeness. My first visit involved a pelvic massage from a large (boobs have always done it for me) 40-something lady (I was 23 at the time). It was extremely disappointing, involved no feeling of closeness at all, and even physically, it was not 1/10th as good as me doing it myself. The second time around was a few months later and I also thought I was in for a "massage" (I was very naive, and after all that's what the advert had said). This time it was a coloured lady, perhaps a few years older than me. She, however, at least made me feel as if she cared about me as a person, and when she slipped the condom on I didn't know how to back out, so I just let her climb on and ride me. It was only ever the second time I'd had sex, and was over rather quickly.
HotSexySally - Re: Why do we do it?
Re: Why do we do it?
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6 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:07

Hi Researcher,

Good luck with your quest I'd be interested to hear some of the responses you get.

Lots of love

Amstel - Re: Why do we do it?
Re: Why do we do it?
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8 Jan 2003
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:07

I do , have done . will do again - mainly because of the difference that variety brings.Also sometimes I am way from home for weeks and just cant keep it in .....
[deleted] - Re: Why do we do it?
Re: Why do we do it?
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:07

Thanks Amstel, could you please answer some more questions for me (other guys too please!). I know it's a lot to ask, but if you could spare the time I would be most appreciative. I don't think ny of these questions are too personal, but if you're hesitant to answer any of them, it's fine.

1. What sort of ladies do you enjoy spending time with, and what sort of variety do you look for (is it hair colour, skin colour, build etc?)?
2. What exactly are you after when you visit a lady - straight sex? Something kinky?
I'd also like to know more about your personal profile:
3. Age
4. Ethnicity
5. Occupation
6. Marital status and an idea of the sexual closeness between you and your current partner if you have one
7. Your feelings on safe sex and HIV/AIDS testing (how choosy are you about a lady in this regard?).
8. At what age did you start out?
9. Could you give me an idea of the number of ladies you've spent time with in this way.
Narcissus - Re: Why do we do it?
Re: Why do we do it?
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8 Sep 2003
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:07

Here you go, Researcher ...

1. Body shape and looks are less important than warmth and personality. Sadly, these are in short supply. There are lots of good-looking women out there who don't fill these most basic of needs.
2. This may sound odd, but I'm looking for a connection, however fleeting. I want to walk away afterwards feeling "in love", if that makes any sense.
3. 36
4. White
5. Director
6. Divorced, and have stunning sex with my current partner about four times a month (we don't live together).
7. Full sex always with a condom - but full sex is overrated. Prefer a good massage, and being able to reciprocate.
8. Started out in late 20s.
9. Must have been with 150 different ladies by now.

Hope that helps ...
NiGhTHawK - Re: Why do we do it?
Re: Why do we do it?
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19 Nov 2003
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:07

I'm really new to this...

1. I agree with Narcissus?
2. A bit of spending time with someone and strait sex...?
3. 24
4. White
5. Web Developer / Administrator
6. Very Single.... (Never had a "Girl friend")
7. Always weary about HIV but prefer sex without...
8. 22
9. only been with 4 women.
Magnum - Re: Why do we do it?
Re: Why do we do it?
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28 Mar 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:07

Why do i do it

I do it for the adventure, therefore I only see the same girl a few (3 - 5)times. I want to have fun, I'd like to try the most things, some are really not on though. I've don doubles; 2 girls, even a girl and a guy. I am straight only !!

I ve been to lots of girls for the last 8 - 9 years. I am 38 now.
I am married, with not enough sex. Proff business man.

And yes I look for girls who are fun to be with, who also enjoy sex, and enjoy what they do. These girls are pretty scarce though.

I only see white girls, maybe indian. I will always use a condom on intercourse, oral I will sometimes allow the girl to do without.

George - Re: Why do we do it?
Re: Why do we do it?
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6 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:08

Hope these answers help

1. What sort of ladies do you enjoy spending time with, and what sort of variety do you look for (is it hair colour, skin colour, build etc?)?

Looks are great, and usually account for first visit. However I like to see the same woman regularly, and the decision as to whether I will return rests entirely on her personality, and how well she "reads" my likes and dislikes. I visit ladies of all colours, subject to the proviso above.

2. What exactly are you after when you visit a lady - straight sex? Something kinky?

What I like the most is foreplay. With perhaps two exceptions, I have not found the intercourse part of an encounter to be as fantastic as with my partner. What I like is the chance to be pleasured and to give pleasure for an extended time. This is too often neglected in one's private sex lives.

For this reason, I usually prefer the good massage parlours, that offer an 1.5 hour service. On the first visit, the ladies usually focus on the massage and give a 15-20 min pelvic at the end. But once you get to know them, the visit turns into an hour and a half of mutual masturabation etc.

In terms of sex, I like straight sex, no discipline etc. I have tried doubles, and when they work well they are great. Usually they are a rip off, implying a quicky with no real TLC.

3. Age


4. Ethnicity


5. Occupation


6. Marital status and an idea of the sexual closeness between you and your current partner if you have one

Married. Close emotional and sexual.

7. Your feelings on safe sex and HIV/AIDS testing (how choosy are you about a lady in this regard?).

Always use a condom for sex. In the past had unprotected oral, which is a huge risk. I no longer do this. Have had occassional HIV tests. I believe the industry should be legalised, and that sexworkers should be compelled to have regular HIV tests.

8. At what age did you start out?

Approx. 28

9. Could you give me an idea of the number of ladies you've spent time with in this way

PeterPan - Re: Why do we do it?
Re: Why do we do it?
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14 Dec 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:08

I was unfortunate (or fortunate) in that the first massage parlor I went to back in the mid 70's when I was 23 was a true artist. She was a beautiful tall willowy english girl in her late twenties. She used her finger tips, tongue, nipples and long blond hair to turn my body into a quivering lump of jelly and kept me at the edge of ejeculation for over an hour. She then let me ejeculate in her mouth which was a major mind @!#$. I was hooked from then on and have constantly been seeking the true artists. Unfortunatly these ladies retire, move or dissapear over time and I have to start the search all over again. When I find one I stick to her like glue.

1. What sort of ladies do you enjoy spending time with, and what sort of variety do you look for (is it hair colour, skin colour, build etc?)?

Not that fussy but prefer peaches and cream complexion and pink nipples. I have been with some african and indian ladies as they are more willing to let you blow a load in their mouths. HIV/AIDS has scared me off

2. What exactly are you after when you visit a lady - straight sex? Something kinky?

Prefer soft sensual and lots of skin contact. Hate condoms and prefer a long sensual pelvic or other skin contact form of release(titty @!#$ etc).

I'd also like to know more about your personal profile:
3. Age - 48
4. Ethnicity - white
5. Occupation - consultant
6. Marital status and an idea of the sexual closeness between you and your current partner if you have one. - married good
7. Your feelings on safe sex and HIV/AIDS testing (how choosy are you about a lady in this regard?). very choosy
8. At what age did you start out?- 23
9. Could you give me an idea of the number of ladies you've spent time with in this way. - about 100
charlie - Re: Why do we do it?
Re: Why do we do it?
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30 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:08

1. What sort of ladies do you enjoy spending time with, and what sort of variety do you look for (is it hair colour, skin colour, build etc?)?

All kinds....can't get enough

2. What exactly are you after when you visit a lady - straight sex? Something kinky?

Usually straight sex...but i also like it when they lick my @!#$

I'd also like to know more about your personal profile:
3. Age


4. Ethnicity


5. Occupation


6. Marital status and an idea of the sexual closeness between you and your current partner if you have one


7. Your feelings on safe sex and HIV/AIDS testing (how choosy are you about a lady in this regard?).

impossible to know if she's been for a test, even so, always use a condom

8. At what age did you start out?


9. Could you give me an idea of the number of ladies you've spent time with in this way.

200, maybe 300


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