Posted: 2015-01-08 20:28:45
Edited: 2015-01-15 17:21:44
Lately I found I'm hardly ever here on ESA. Whilst the pics are great, and the selection fantastic, I've had all my punts through [edited by admin]....some other competitor site
Why? Simple, there's pricing from each girl (some go up, some go down depending on what you want), but I find having that guide price simply allows for me to make the "purchase" decision" a lot quicker.
Why can ESA not do this? There's LOADS of girls I've looked at and would love to call, but dont feel like the "oh, I'm Rxxx / hour" when they're out of my budget.
Can this be implemented? I love the site / forums etc... but find I'm not using the site nearly as much as I would.