Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - ...a Sunday morning acknowledgement.
...a Sunday morning acknowledgement.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-02-13 08:52:30
Edited: 2022-02-13 08:56:31

On initially entering the sensual space, I used to be asked, "what does your family think about what u doing? Do they know?"

And now, after a few years, the question has morphed into "But why did u enter this space? When are u planning to leave it?"

It took a lot of patience and understanding the curiosity of those asking the questions, without feeling angry or offended. I have to admit, my ego felt bruised.

Of course my family did not know what i was doing and of course it was not a change of 'career' choice to enter the sensual space...and now when am i planning to leave...?...well, there is no hurry.

What is blatantly obvious is that THIS choice i made would leave its mark on me in MANY ways and would do so on my family, as well as direct friends and friends of extended family....and any other future choices i shall make.

There are many desperate needy women, who are single mothers, without jobs, come from abusive relationships, are facing loan sharks, bank foreclosures...and have never considered nor would consider going into the sensual space. The honest truth would be with careful consideration that i would even consider mentioning the sensual space as a solution.

As much as one may think it is an empowering space to be in, just as much it can be a sole / soul destroying experience where one questions ones self worth and feels one has jumped from the frying pan directly into the fire.
Not everybody is made for this space, as is the fact that not all of us were meant to be lawyers or accountants or plumbers or teachers.

We like it or not, there is a stigma attached to those in the sensual space.
I always smile at comments such as, "u sound educated."
Why would a Service Provider not be educated?... and this from a person who has no true experience with other Service Providers. His simple truth being the SP's are not educated.

But most importantly of all, should this be a 'career' choice, what would the requirements be of a Service Provider?

For me, if i were the interviewer, it would be to focus on the SP's psychological well-being and her understanding of the space she has chosen to enter.

An interview most ruthless tearing into the character and personality of the lady and if she came out trumps, resilient and strong and her head still screwed onto her shoulders, yes a little wobbly and defensive and angry, knowing the pitfalls rather than imagining it will be her saving grace...then with careful sincere well-wishes, i wold send her on her sensual and sexual adventure, still holding thumbs, she will come out on the other end more successful than she herself could have imagined.

But this kind of success comes with many secrets, skeletons in the closet and a restriction on future choices to be made.

If there is one thing i have learnt coming into this space, and i am no desperado nor pushover, do not care to seek favour simply to be liked and thus always say it as is....the psychological demands on Service Providers is manic.

I care to acknowledge those professionals who have carved a niche in the sexy space and enjoy every second of what they do and thrive in it....maybe i could be classified a s such...who knows...only my visiting Gents can say that.
But, i care to acknowledge more those that have faltered and have lost their way, looking for solace in the bottle or drugs or have landed up in abusive relationships or, simply, do not know where to go from here.

I hold u close and send u all my strength and understanding and tell u to never falter or stop believing or chasing your dreams .... i am only a whatsapp away.

Whatever may be mentioned or discussed is CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVATE.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...a Sunday morning acknowledgement.
Re: ...a Sunday morning acknowledgement.
3 Jun 2015
Posts to Date: 2835
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Posted: 2022-02-13 09:13:43

an addendeum:

As per my post in December. My short sabbatical where quiet and solace was required and a reflection of all that was happening and choices made...was a break most welcome and an affirmation that all will be well.

And thus, no matter how firmly ones head may be screwed on ones shoulders and feet firmly planted on the ground and choices made with careful consideration, to have a wobble and deep uncertainties that need matter the opinion of others looking in, no matter the belief others may have of one.
the truth is always much more complex than others may ever imagine...and one has a right to ones own complexities....silly or not.


[deleted] - Re: ...a Sunday morning acknowledgement.
Re: ...a Sunday morning acknowledgement.
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2022-02-13 10:42:31

You service providers are made of sterner stuff than most of your clients could imagine! I salute you!
Caroline - Re: ...a Sunday morning acknowledgement.
Re: ...a Sunday morning acknowledgement.
9 Jun 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-13 11:01:28

Morning Bridgette

I could not have expressed this better. I could add to this. However I respect the emotions and privacy of the other ladies.

Thank you for being brave enough to state this to the other punters.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...a Sunday morning acknowledgement.
Re: ...a Sunday morning acknowledgement.
3 Jun 2015
Posts to Date: 2836
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Posted: 2022-02-13 19:53:38

Thank u to all who have shared some of themselves with me today.

Thank u for your sincerity. Round and round one can go BUT, the important thing is to be OK with oneself as much as possible for, what may be ok for me does not mean it is ok for u and thus no generalistion is applied nor judgement.

What needs to remain a secret shall remain such and discretion and privacy will be honoured.

Some of us show our faces while most do not and there is a reason for that as is the desire of those ladies leaving the industry to be left alone and 'forgotten' in some way.

Plus money spend across board is less and bookings may be less frequent and the temptation may be to indulge in something contrary and personally challenging...rather try establish a sideline business, no matter how small it may be, gain some entrepreneurship experience and acumen and who knows what may follow.
Being money savy is a wise thing. Educating oneself in that line has not harmed anybody.

Times are tough worldwide and not just in SA..being proactive has never hurt anybody...lockdown, if anything, should have taught us that.

To those Gentlemen chatting to me...i shall answer each as quickly and as soon as i can. Thank u for your inquisitive minds and words of encouragement and understanding.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...a Sunday morning acknowledgement.
Re: ...a Sunday morning acknowledgement.
3 Jun 2015
Posts to Date: 2838
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Posted: 2022-02-13 20:24:21

ONOT...i Salute u.


Caroline...Big Good evening hugs i send u.



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