Virgo - Yes or No to private numbers
Yes or No to private numbers
14 Apr 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-02 11:03:47

Ladies I am just curious, When you receive a call from a private number for inquires and they make a booking to the actually show up, or do you take another booking as well, or wait for private number to show up.
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Yes or No to private numbers
Re: Yes or No to private numbers
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-02 11:20:45
Edited: 2022-02-02 11:22:31

There was I time I never answer Pvt numbers.

But because scammers/fakecops etc, guys are being extra careful and do not want their info out there.

Now I answer Pvt numbers and I decide from the way the call goes, whether I want to accomdate the caller without his number showing. Trust your gut.

And if you decide to accept the request for a booking , don't double book. That is just wrong, you will intentionally be standing up someone as a result.

Caroline - Re: Yes or No to private numbers
Re: Yes or No to private numbers
9 Jun 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-02 11:23:45

Good morning

Definite NO. My privacy is extremely important to me. I have over 10k numbers on my phone. I use True Caller to identify callers. I run my own company and I don't want to run into a business client while playing;)
Kourtney B
Kourtney B - Re: Yes or No to private numbers
Re: Yes or No to private numbers
11 Aug 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-02 11:37:05

I refuse to answer private numbers. I respect the callers privacy. If I do by chance decide to answer I tell them to call me back with their number showing.
EvilAngel - Re: Yes or No to private numbers
Re: Yes or No to private numbers
Gold Member
16 Nov 2015
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Posted: 2022-02-02 12:30:23

Just a thought.
If he use a pvt nr and arange the booking, how would you get hd of him if you running late or something happened. Or all pvt calls arange for a booking just before they will leave for the booking?
Midnight Express
Midnight Express - Re: Yes or No to private numbers
Re: Yes or No to private numbers
15 Jan 2017
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Posted: 2022-02-02 12:37:20
Edited: 2022-02-02 12:39:13

I answer private numbers and take bookings from them. What I've noticed though is the longer you've been in the business the easier it gets to tell whether it's a fake booking call or not. I very rarely have people that don't pitch but I honestly think it's worth your time picking up every call.

Most of the people who don't pitch with me have their numbers showing - and that's because they want you to waste your time and call them knowing they won't pitch -

so I don't even bother calling back - if you know you said you'll be here in 20 minutes and 20 minutes has passed it's your duty as the punter to call me and let me know of your delay otherwise I make other appointments .
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Yes or No to private numbers
Re: Yes or No to private numbers
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-02 12:46:32

For the one or two that I have accomodated with a Pvt number, there was quiet a few calls back and forth.

First the call that set the appointment, then the day of appointment a confirmation call, to say that all is still on track for the appointment time. Then a "I am on my way" call and then the "I am at the gate" call.

Should something have gone wrong on my side there would have been no way to notify them and they would only have know once they called me. But that is something that they know when they decide to make appointments like that.

Appointments set without numbers showing is very rare, enquiries about rates and services is more commen.

The day the Pvt enquirers are ready to make an appointment they usually do call with the number showing. ;)

Saffron Skye
Saffron Skye - Re: Yes or No to private numbers
Re: Yes or No to private numbers
15 Jul 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-02 13:27:55

I have set up my TrueCa;;er to automatically block incoming calls from Private Numbers- it's not worth the risk
Ms Le Roux
Ms Le Roux - Re: Yes or No to private numbers
Re: Yes or No to private numbers
1 Dec 2015
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Posted: 2022-02-02 13:38:11

My truecaller also blocks pvt numbers. As mentioned I won't be able to get hold of you if you're running late.

So I prefer sending a pin location on whatsapp as soon as the appointment is confirmed via a phone call (number showing) or a whatsapp

I've burnt my fingers too many times in the past by answering pvt numbers and getting hopeful that it is a genuine appointment

Ms Le Roux


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